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Custom Arcade Builds, Bartops, Uprights, Retro-Fits, Arcade 1up mods and Much more!
Featured Builds and Pricing
This is a very common question i get asked a lot. It is very important to understand that every build is unique in its own way.... And with that in mind, there are many factors that come into play when its comes to pricing.
Cabinets, hardware, sd card sizes and PC Hardware/Specs not only affects performance and determines what games can be played; it also drastically changes the time and cost it needs to be done.
The best way i can explain it is to compare it to featured builds that have been seen on my youtube channel. Below you will see several builds, what hardware and specs of that build along with cost to ship.
Lets talk cabinets - As of 2021 i started cutting my own cabinets using laminated birch 3/4 wood. Previously i used GameroomSolutions as my main source for cabinets, but with the request for custom sizes and designs i moved on and now cut my own cabs in my garage; This introduced my popular ByVic Cab Design and other cabs such as the Vertical Cab. Laminated Birch is not only more durable, lighter and sturdier... but its also more expensive vs MDF that GameroomSolutions Uses, not to mention additional cost to run the cnc and such. Below is pricing estimates based on a ByVic 4 player cab
Base Cabinet alone with 4 player Control Panel (NO HARDWARE/CONTROLS or Artwork) = $2400
Complete Builds:
Pandora Box Build = $3400
PC Based Systems = Starts at $5k
For a Lower Price Option / On a budget i would recommend a GRS Cab
A 4 Player Pedestal would cost the same as a ByVic 4 Player Cab as it takes the same amount of wood to cut
Shipping also has been a very big question - you will also see the cost of shipping that specific build. Shipping pricing is exactly what the freight company quotes.

Eugene's 40tb "Shinku-Haduken" Bartop
Cabinet - Bartop - 22inch screen
Hardware - PC Build
MSI Motherboard - i5 Processor
16Gb Ram
gtx 1650 Graphics Card
(1) 1tb m.2 ssd drive
(1) 4tb m.2 ssd drive
(1) 4tb Samsung ssd drive
(3) 10 tb Seagate Barricuda HDD
Accessories - 4 xbox one controllers - 2 xbox one controllers supplied by customer
6 controllers in total - 2 aimtrak light guns - xbox one usb dongle - Logitech z533 speaker upgrade - USB extension port in front of cabinet
Cost to Ship - NY TO CALIFORNIA - CRATED Weighing around 130 lbs - $876 Lift gate to front door (Could save 250$ if picked up from UPS Port / No lift gate delivery)

Morris' 6tb "Budget Beast" Bartop
Cabinet - Bartop - 22inch screen w/ Stand
Hardware - PC Build
Refurbished Dell Optiplex - i5 Processor
16Gb Ram
gtx 1050ti Graphics Card
(1) 1tb HDD
(1) 5tb External HDD
Accessories - 2 xbox one controllers -
xbox one usb dongle - Logitech z313 speaker
Bartop Stand
Cost to Ship - Customer Picked up In NY

JBP'S 15k Games Rasp Pi Bartop
Cabinet - Bartop - 22inch screen
Hardware - Rasp Pi 3B+
128GB SD card
Accessories - 2 Wireless PS3 Controllers
- Player Arcade games such as Simpsons
and TMNT
Logitech z313 speaker
Cost to Ship - Customer Picked up In NY

The Simpson's Virtual Pinball Table
Cabinet - Virtual Pinball
Hardware - PC Build
MSI MotherBoard - i5 Processor
16gb Ram
500gb M.2 SSD
RTX 2060 Graphics Card for 4k Playfield
50 Inch Samsung LED TV Playfield
32 inch Viewsonic Back Class
22 inch Spectre DMD Display
LEDWIZ With 16Channel Sainsmart Board
KL25Z board for Realist Nudge and Tilt / USB Encoder For Buttons and Plunger
Accessories - 10 Soleniods
Real Analog Plunger
Beacons - Strobes - RGB Flashers = Homer & Bart Topper
RGB Underbody Glow - Led Buttons And Real Launch Button - Real Pinball Legs
z533 Speaker Setup
Plays Over 1k tables along with Pinball FX2 and 3
Cost to Ship - Customer Picked up In NY
Robbie's 39TB Ultimate Gaming Console
Cabinet - No Cabinet / Plug into a TV and PLay
Hardware - PC Build
MSI MotherBoard - i7 Processor
16gb Ram
1 TB M.2 SSD
GTX 1660 Super Graphics Card
(2) 18 TB HDD
(1) 2TB Baricuda HDD
Accessories - 2 wii - motes with 2 mayflash
2 PS4/Dualshock 4 Controllers
Deal Made - Customer Purchased ALL NECESSARY hardware for build-- I Charged for configuration
Cost to Ship - 2 Boxes - UPS Ground 7 Days NY To California - $296
** I HIGHLY SUGGEST STAYING FAR AWAY FROM DUALSHOCK CONTROLLERS - several issues along with windows not recognizing these controllers as xinput - Some PC Games would not recognize controller. Wii motes same thing, awesome for wii emulation, however could not get 2 players working on newer games such as teknoparrot**

Counter & Bodega 32 Inch Upright - Coin Operated
Cabinet - 32inch Full Upright
Hardware - Pandoras Box 18s
Plays 4,000 games
Arcade and Consoles including PSP
fighters and Gameboys
Accessories - Dual Slot Coin Door
Option to set to Free Play or PAY PER PLAY
Easy navigation for front end
Hidden Coin Button Behind the cabinet for quick Inserting of coin (Instead of opening coin door every time)
In retail space, customers can insert coins and play while waiting for food
Z313 Speakers with Headphone jack and volume switch located under control panel for quick and easy access.
1 Plug, everything boots up
- Customer Pick up

Time Crisis Dedicated Shooter Cabinet
Cabinet - 32inch
Hardware - Dell Optiplex w/ 1030
Gun4IR Jolt devices from RPEG Electronics
Retro Lizard Dedicated Shooter Hard drive
Details -
Customer supplied ALL HARDWARE!
Only Paid Me to Design Artwork, Build and
Configure Everything
I Calculated on my Own Cost of all Hardware Customer Spent, Estimated $3,200. Gun4IR Jolts Devices Cost $850 PER GUN ALONE! I Suggest a current PC Build as there are some issues with the Dell Optiplex Performance wise
Customer Arranged For Shipping Company to Pick up and Ship to Atlanta

Konami Style - Dedicated Nintendo Switch Arcade Cabinet
Cabinet - 32inch
Hardware - Nintendo Switch w/ 1080p TV
Streaming Capability with HDMI Splitter
and Ethernet Connection
8 Button Layout using SJ@JX Encoders
Details -
Used for a Youtube Stream Series to Show
If certain games can play well using
sticks. Ultimate Handheld is in Cabinet, docked and also Modified to play ALL GAMES

Project Canada - 4 Player ByVic Ultimate Arcade
Cabinet - ByVic
Hardware - 40TB PC Build with Active Marquee, 2 Jolt Light Guns, 2 Guitars,
6 8Bitdo Controllers, 2 DDR Dance Pads
Details -
The Most Spec'd out, insane PC Based Ultimate Arcade To Date... and it was Shipped To Canada
Shipping cost $850 however this does not include Duties and Taxes along with broker fees

Stallone Cab - 43Inch Dedicated Shooter Cab
Cabinet - Custom Dedicated Shooter Cab
Hardware - Dell Optiplex With GTX 1650
Details -
Dedicated Shooter Cab with 2 Jolt Light Guns and 2 Pedals
Plays 180 Shooters from Arcade to Teknoparrot To Wii
Shipped To CT
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